SaFi Bank Space : Commons MVP Scope - Notifications (Outbound Communication)

Executive Summary

The purpose of this document is to clarify and define MVP scope of Common - Notifications team, role of Common squad as well as interaction and dependancies with other squads.

This document is used as a ‘single source of truth’ by stakeholders involved in SaFi project for Common -Notifications MVP scope.

Common squad role and responsibilities

  • Outbound Communication/Notifications:

Common squad role is to be enabler for customer notifications. Common squad will provide agreed infrastructure for other teams to send notifications, service responsible for providing template structure and delivering of statements and notifications to the customers. Other teams that require notifications messaging are responsible for defining and creating the triggers as well as connecting to the end point. Teams can self-serve to add, create and manage messages. Common team provides structure that enables other teams to use Email, SMS, Viber, Push Notifications as communication channels to send notifications to the customer. Other teams are responsible for the design (message, templates), content of the message, logic and timing.

  • Developer Productivity:

The commons domain has in scope items that are related to common items across the bank which are used as tools by the rest of the microservices, and should also provide support technical layer for common libraries and approaches across the systems.

Solution 3rd party providers

Agreed and chosen providers based on the channel of communication are:

  • Email - Infobip,MacroKiosk

  • SMS - Infobip, MacroKiosk

  • Push Notification - Ably

  • Viber - Infobip, MacroKiosk

MVP In - Scope

Enable core functionality (sending) notification messaging using 4 communications channels (Email, SMS, Viber, Push Notifications) using Plain text. Self-service that enables other teams to define and send their own templates/messages.

  • Email - Access to customer’s email. Ability to send emails based on template structure (email address, header, footer) and values to fill them.

  • SMS - Access to customer's sms number. Ability to send SMS messages based on template structure and values to fill them. Plain text only

  • Viber - Ability to send messages to customer via Viber. Access to phone number. Plain text only

  • Push Notifications (Output Manager) - Ability to send push notifications to customer.

  • Template engine - provide structure of the templates. Other squads responsible for design, content, logic and timing.

  • PDF generation - Service to create formatted PDFs statements. Format data in PDF template (business requirements TBC by the SaFI)

  1. Download single transaction

  2. Monthly statements

  3. List of transactions

  • Enable Multi-language support - 2 languages and 2 tone of voice

MVP Out-of-Scope

  • Customers replying to notifications

  • Notifications Management logic - manage number of messages sent, priorities

  • CRM Integration Meiro (TBC) - is this responsibility of the Common