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SM-1720 Epic Transaction Browsing in App Medium 13.0 0.0 13.0 Done

Role: User


The user should be able to filter transactions in the transaction history list.


To allow the user to filter the transactions not older than 1 year from their creation and to display only specific transactions according to the preferences.

Functional requirements:

User is able to click on the filter icon and select desired filter options from the list. User can also reset all selected filters at once.

UI requirements:

Filter icon is available in the upper part of the transaction history screen.

Process flow:

  • 1. user will select the Payments option from the bottom tab bar menu

  • 2. user will select the “See all” option

  • 3. the full list of history transactions is displayed to the user

  • 4. user clicks on the filter icon and a filter screen is displayed

  • 5. user can select desired filter options and confirm the filter

  • 6. transaction history list will be updated and displays only transactions matching the filter

  • 7. user can reset all filters at once by clicking on reset icon on the filter screen

Execution steps (Happy path):

  1. On the Transaction history screen, tapping on the Filters button the user is navigated to the Filter transactions panel

  2. On the Filter transactions panel users can set the following to filter by:

    1. Time

      1. Setting a from & to date

      2. ‘From date’ cannot be older than 1 year from today’s date and ‘To date' cannot be later than today’s date

    2. Amount

      1. Setting a from & to amount

      2. ‘From amount’ cannot be less than 0

    3. Direction

      1. Incoming or Outgoing

    4. Category

      1. User can select from the predefined categories

  3. Tapping on Filter the user is navigated to the Transaction history screen

  4. On the Transaction history screen, the list is filtered by the user’s settings

Internal dependencies:

Transaction history screen

External dependencies:

Finalised transaction category list

Alternative scenarios:

In case there are no items, which can be filtered, display an empty state on the Transaction history screen.

Acceptance criteria:

  • A history list of all transactions not older than 1 year should be displayed

  • a filter icon is displayed on the top of the screen

  • user can select the filter icon and the filter screen is displayed

  • filter screen includes the following options:

    • Date “from - to” (dates are inclusive)

    • Amount “from - to” (amounts are inclusive)

    • type of the transaction “debit or credit”

    • category

    • CTA button “Filter” to confirm filtering of the transactions

    • reset button to cancel all the selected filters

  • once the user confirms the filter, the transaction history list reloads and only transactions matching the filter are displayed


Links to wireframes/UI: