SM-670 - BO: Audit Log Done


SM-1070 - View customer editing history Done

SM-1072 - View Subcription History Done

SM-1097 - Document history view Done

SM-3240 - Show history for overdraft Done

SM-1895 - Accounts editing history Done

SM-5140 - Display cards history Done

SM-3239 - Show history for personal loan Done



Role: BOFE user (access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to see relevant changes in particular product or screen, that I am currently viewing.

Reason: BOFE users need to identify why particular changes happened, when and by whom.

Functional requirements:

Audit logs

List of relevant changes in sections (pages):

  • Customer profile

  • Customer documents

  • Main account changes

  • Saving account changes

  • Loans

  • Cards


History is constructed from the Audit log events

Audit log message examples / Change history - audit log data in BOFE

List of changes

  • Date added (date & time of change)

  • Ticket (if available) - with link to Jira

  • Creator - who initiated the change

  • Description - In order for the audit log to be human readable, the action string needs to be constructed case by case. A map of results or side effects of the action, such things as attributes changed, status changed, etc. This is an action-specific object which contains different sub properties in accordance with action and target category. See Audit log data model

Filtering the list of changes

  • Date (from, to)

  • Creator

  • Action

UI requirements: Table view with changes below the main (detail) area on relevant pages.

Links to wireframes/UI:

Acceptance criteria: Each relevant customer page will have relevant history changes (audit log list) on the bottom. Change date, ticket (if available), creator and description will be available. History log can be filterable on Date, Creator, Action