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SM-3070 Epic Display List of Historical Transactions (Basic) Medium 5.0 0.0 Done

Role: User


The user should be able to select the transaction history tab and display a list of transactions.


To allow the user to have evidence of transactions that have been made in the past 1 year.

Functional requirements:

User is able to display transactions that are not older than 1 year from their creation. If the user wants to have the access to Transactions older than 1 year, he/she needs to contact the customer service.

UI requirements:

The reduced history list should be placed on the “Payments screen” in chronological order (the latest on top). There is a hyperlink option “See all” to allow the user to display a full transaction history list on a separate screen.

The overview of one transaction (entry/row) should display: the transaction description, date when it was processed, the amount with a sign +/- to indicate the credit or debit, the latest status of the transaction. All the statuses should be displayed - pending, in process, canceled, expired, successful, failed.

Process flow:

  • 1. user will select the Payments option from the bottom tab bar menu

  • 2. user can scroll down the reduced list of transactions

  • 3. user will select the “See all” option

  • 4. the full list of history transactions is displayed to the user and he can scroll down or select a transaction to display its details

Execution steps (Happy path):

  1. On the bottom part of the Payments screen, the most recent transactions are displayed.

  2. ‘See all’ text on tap navigates to the full-screen Transaction History

  3. On the Transaction History screen, the transactions are listed under each other based on date.

    1. The newest transaction is on the top by default

  4. By selecting a transaction from the list, the user is navigated to the Transaction Details screen

Internal dependencies:

Payments screen

Transaction History Manager

External dependencies:


Alternative scenarios:


Acceptance criteria:

  • a reduced list of transactions is displayed on the Payments page

    • ordered and categorised by date (latest first)

  • a hyperlink “See all” is available to the user

    • after tapping on that the full history transaction list is displayed on a separate screen

  • A list of all transactions not older than 1 year should be displayed (latest first)

  • a scroll down functionality is available

  • one row (transaction) from the list includes

    • an icon of the transaction category with status indicator

    • transaction description

    • transaction category

    • the amount with the sign +/- to distinguish between credits and debits

  • a filter icon is displayed on the top of the screen

  • when user selects a transaction from the list details of the transaction should be displayed and include whatever details from the transaction review screen (except OTC instructions if the transaction is no longer in pending status)

Links to wireframes/UI: