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SM-3101 Epic Transaction Fee & Remaining free transactions (EPFS) Medium 3.0 0.0 Done

Role: User


The user should be able to see the number of used & remaining free transactions while creating a new transaction according to his subscription plan.


To let the user know how many free transactions will be taken by that transaction.

Functional requirements:

Every SaFi user subscribes to one of the subscription plans. Based on that, the user has a certain number of free transactions available. In that case, the user will not be charged any fee unless there are no free transactions left.


  • Bill payments flow - fees are always part of the amount, the user will not be charged with additional fees on top of the bill amount. Fees will always be displayed with 0.

  • intrabank transactions are not charged with a fee as well

One free transaction is considered up to 50 000 PESO transfer. Every other 50 000 PESO will take another free transaction slot:

e.g. if the transaction is between 50 000 and 100 000 PESO, it will take 2 free transaction slots.

UI requirements:

The number of free transactions left and free transactions used should be displayed on the review transaction screen before the user executes the transaction.

Process flow:

  1. User selects transaction type (except for intrabank transfers and bill payments)

  2. Initiates transaction flow

  3. checks the free transactions left and used on the review transaction screen

Execution steps (Happy path):

  1. Transaction type is selected (except for intrabank and bill payments)

  2. Transaction flow initiated

  3. Transaction amount confirmed

  4. Free Transactions left displayed

  5. Free Transactions used calculated from the amount

Internal dependencies:

  • Transaction type selection

  • Transaction flow

  • Transaction amount

  • Subscription plan

  • Transaction review screen

External dependencies:


Alternative scenarios:


Acceptance criteria:

  • on the review transaction screen following information is displayed:

    • information about the free transactions left (based on the subscription plan)

    • information about the free transactions used by that currently created transaction

  • if there are not enough free transactions left:

    • value 0 should be displayed “free transactions left: 0”

  • if the number of free transactions used (by the transaction user is about to confirm in this step) is more than the free transactions left, the fee will be charged

Links to wireframes/UI: