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SM-2633 Epic Bill Payment (Paynamics) Medium 2.0 8.0 13.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: see an overview of the transaction details

Reason: I can confirm the bill payment from my SaFi bank account to a bill provider

Functional requirements:

Review screen has to contain all previously added data

UI requirements: -

Process flow:

  1. Data added on Transaction Details

  2. Data presented on the Review Transaction screen as a summary

  3. User Verification

  4. Transaction is being processed

Bill Payments

Execution steps:

  1. User adds Transaction Details

  2. User is navigated to the Review Transaction screen

  3. User taps on Send button

  4. User verification is needed

  5. Transaction is processed

Internal dependencies:

🟢3. Input Amount & Unique identifiers

Transaction Details screen

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance Criteria:

  • a “Review transaction” screen is displayed to the user after submitting the transaction amount and requested field (identifiers) and it should include all the details from the previous screen (where the amount was filled in):

    • name of the bill provider

    • bill provider category

    • all the required fields according to the bill provider (identifiers)

    • date

    • Amount

    • Note for myself (optional)

    • CTA button “Send”

  • Passcode verification is needed, because money is sent away from SaFi account

Note: fees are always part of the amount, user will not be charged with additional fees on top of the bill amount. Fees will always be displayed with 0.

Links to wireframes/UI: