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SM-2027 Epic Money Withdrawal via Cash-Out (Paynamics)| Only in App Medium 2.0 0.0 2.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: I want to type the amount of money

Reason: so that I can withdraw them as cash from my SaFI account via chosen OTC merchant

Functional requirements:

A numerical input field is added to the screen, in which users can add the amount of money they would like to withdraw. The input field has a minimum value. The maximum value is defined by the current bank account balance.

UI requirements:

  • numerical text box

    • the number must be more than the minimum amount - a warning should be displayed if the number is lower

  • CTA button “Submit” is displayed

Process flow: Money Withdrawal via Cash Out

Execution steps:

  1. User taps on the input field

  2. Keyboard appears

  3. User adds amount

    1. If the amount is out of min & max range, please see Alternative scenarios.

Internal dependencies: 🟢2. View Logos of Over-the-Counter Merchants & Select a Merchant

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios:

  1. The user adds an amount lower than the minimum amount or higher than the current account balance

  2. A warning is displayed until the user changes the amount

Acceptance criteria:

  • information about the current SaFi bank account balance is displayed

  • manual input of the amount must be provided to the user

    • if the typed amount of money is more than the current SaFi account balance a warning message will show

  • the minimum amount of money that can be transferred is displayed

    • if the typed amount of money is less than the minimum amount a warning message will show

  • an input field “Note” is provided to the user as optional (addressed to the beneficiary)

  • the CTA button “Submit” is displayed

Links to wireframes/UI: