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SM-2028 Epic Money Withdrawal via Cash-Out (Paynamics)| Only in App Medium 2.0 5.0 8.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: want to see the active withdrawal (via cash-out) detail history

Reason: so that I can check the reference code and status of the transaction and see all the details

Functional requirements:

The transaction’s details can be viewed from the Transaction history screen, thus it should be listed.

UI requirements: -

Process flow: Money Withdrawal via Cash Out

Execution steps:

  1. User is on Transaction History screen

  2. Taps on a cash-out transaction

  3. The Transaction Details appear

Internal dependencies:

Transaction History screen

🟢5. Transaction pending

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • user is able to see all the transaction details related to a specific transaction selected from the list of transactions (history)

  • If the user closes the screen and wants to complete the cash-out transaction later, the user must go to the transaction list and open the transaction details from there

  • Withdrawal transaction details are displayed to the user in read-only mode

    • “Reference Code”

      • status “Pending” when the code was not yet generated

      • generated code (only the code will be displayed)

    • “Valid until”: day and time until the Reference Code is valid (5 days from creating the transaction)

    • Date of the transaction

    • Status of the transaction

      • pending / successful / expired

    • OTC merchant name

    • Sender name

    • Account number

    • Note for myself (editable)

    • The instructions for the user on how to complete the transaction at the OTC merchant (only available for the Pending status):

      • 1. Go to the nearest “OTC merchant name”

      • 2. Present your reference number

      • 3. Get money (cash) at the cashier

      • 4. Keep your receipt as a proof

Links to wireframes/UI: