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SM-2459 Epic Money Withdrawal to E-Wallet (Paynamics)| In App Medium 2.0 8.0 2.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: want to see details of created transaction

Reason: so that I can check the transaction status

Functional requirements:

“Transaction in process” screen is displayed after the money withdrawal request was submitted.

UI requirements:

  • Transaction details displayed on the screen.

Process flow:

The flow for Money Withdrawal via E-Wallet is the same as the flow for Money Withdrawal via Interbank Transfer, so the information below is also applicable for Money Withdrawal via E-Wallet.

Money Withdrawal via Interbank Transfer

Execution steps:

  1. User submits the E-Wallet withdrawal transaction on the Transaction Details screen.

  2. Transaction process begins, the transaction is “in process” state.

  3. When the transaction is completed by the user and money is successfully transferred to E-Wallet, the transaction status changes to “Payment successful”

Internal dependencies:

🟢3. Input Desired Amount, Select Frequency & Submit Selection

External dependencies:

E-Wallet connection

Alternative scenarios:

Display error state for transaction in case the payment is not successful.

Acceptance criteria:

  • “Payment in Process” information screen is displayed to the user after the transaction request was submitted (transaction was created).
    This includes:

    • an icon and the transaction status “Payment in Process”

    • E-wallet name

    • date of the transaction

    • amount

    • User is able to display Transaction details by clicking on the hyperlink “See transaction detail”

    • Once the transaction is completed and the account has been withdrawn, the transaction status will change to “Payment successful”

Links to wireframes/UI: