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SM-2430 Epic Money Withdrawal via Cash-Out (Paynamics)| Only in App Medium 2.0 2.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: won't be able to activate another OTC transaction by the same merchant twice

Reason: as there is a limit for Cash-out Withdrawal transactions - only 1 active OTC transaction per merchant is available.

Functional requirements:

Before this scenario, a withdrawal transaction from the same OTC merchant has been successfully started and there could not be more than 1 in progress.

UI requirements: -

Process flow: Money Withdrawal via Cash Out

Execution steps:

  1. User has already placed a cash-out or cash-in transaction from an OTC merchant

  2. User is on the merchant selection panel

  3. Merchants are displayed with their logos

  4. User selects the same merchant

  5. Modal window appears with the warning message

Internal dependencies:

🟢2. View Logos of Over-the-Counter Merchants & Select a Merchant

External dependencies:

Connection with available merchants

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • User can select the desired OTC merchant from the list even if there is already an active Withdrawal via Cash-out or Cash-in by that merchant

  • a modal window with a warning message will be displayed “You have already a pending OTC transaction” and the user cannot activate another cash-out transaction by a selected merchant

    • CTA button “See details” is displayed

    • CTA button “Close” is displayed

Links to wireframes/UI: