

SM-1054 - BO: Account changes Resolved


SM-1081 - Initiate definite offboarding procedure (Account Closing) Cancelled



Cancelled. Account closing will be done automatically, as part of the sucessful offboarding procedure.

Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: I as a BOFE user want to close account for customer.

Reason: When user does not want to use the account anymore, BOFE agent can close the account for him.

Functional requirements:

Before account can be closed, series of checks needs to be done:

  1. No open pockets

  2. No active overdraft

  3. No loans

  4. No funds

  5. No outgoing or planned transactions

Afterwards the account closing can be initiated by pressing the Close Account button in the Customer Account View and the request will be subject to the maker-checker process, including valid ticket id.

Acceptance criteria: After all conditions are met, Account Closing button will correctly close account.