SM-1051 - BO: Maker - checker workflow Done


SM-3270 - Show pending changes for particular tab/section Done



Role: BOFE checker (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE maker, I want to see if changes are pending

Reason: In order not to introduce concurrent change, edit button should be disabled and pending change message present.

Functional requirements:

While changes on particular section or field are pending, disable edit button and show “Pending change“ button instead.

Figma UI:

In case that the change was approved, show “Applying changes“ until the new data are propagated to the database and updated on frontend. Afterwards, the edit button will be available again.

Acceptance criteria: When new change request is submitted, the edit button will be disabled and “Pending change“ will be visible instead. Upon confirming the change, the button will “Applying changes“ while the changes are being saved. Upon successful save, the edit button will be available again.