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SM-3097 Epic Display List of Historical Transactions (MVP) Medium 1.0 13.0 14.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: I want to be able to see all card transactions in the history list section of the SaFi App

Reason: So that I have evidence of card transactions and can access all the transaction details in the Transaction History list.

Functional requirements:

Transactions to be included:

  • All payments made, online (Ecom) and retail (POS)

  • All payment refunds

  • ATM Withdrawals

UI requirements:

  • a hyperlink “See all” is available to the user, after selection the full history transaction list is displayed on a separate screen

  • A list of all transactions not older than 1 year should be displayed

  • a scroll down functionality is available

  • one row (transaction) from the list includes

    • transaction description

    • date when the transaction was created (for Today’s transactions also time)

    • the amount with the sign +/- to distinguish between credits and debits

    • status of the transaction (pending, in process, successful, canceled, failed, expired)

Process flow:

  1. Card transaction is successfully processed

  2. Transaction is listed on the Payments screen

  3. Transaction is listed in the Transaction history for 1 year

  4. Transaction details are displayed on tap of the transaction

Execution steps:

  1. User initiates a card transaction at a store or online

  2. User navigates to the “Payments” screen

    1. Card transaction is visible as the most recent transaction

  3. User taps on “See all” hyperlink

  4. “Transaction history“ screen is displayed

  5. Transaction is listed on the “Transaction history” screen

  6. User taps on the transaction

  7. “Transaction details“ screen is displayed

Internal dependencies:

Transaction History Manager

Transaction history screen

Payments screen

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • a reduced transaction history list is displayed on the Payments page (card transactions can be also part of this list)

  • a hyperlink “See all” is available to the user, after selection the full history transaction list is displayed on a separate screen

  • A list of all transactions not older than 1 year should be displayed

  • a scroll down functionality is available

  • one row (card transaction) from the list includes

    • transaction description

    • date when the transaction was created

    • the amount with the sign +/- to distinguish between credits and debits

    • status of the transaction (in process, successful, failed)

    • category > SM-3102 - Automatic categorisation of transactions based on Transaction Type Done

    • last 4 digits of the card number (designs in progress)

Links to wireframes/UI: