SM-2522 - BO: Communication log customer interactions Done


SM-3592 - Display communication history for customer Done

SAF-1263 - Logging communications during customer's call Backlog



Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to see relevant communication (messages) sent to the customer.

Reason: When customer is referring to some marketing campaign or message from bank, I can easily track down the exact communication in the log.

Functional requirements:

Communication log will be part of the Customer profile and thus all messages are tied to that particular customer via customerId see

Messages can be filterable (sortable) by:

  • Date (from - to)

  • Direction

  • Channel

  • Product type


  • Time of message (communicated at)

  • Direction (Inbound, Outbound)

  • Channel (e.g. SMS, Email)

  • Product type (e.g. Cards)

  • Purpose (e.g. "Card delivery notification", "Customer complaint" … )

  • Title and body

    • Title (if available)

    • Name of callcenter agent (if available)

    • Short (truncated) summary of message, that can be extended to full message on click

Acceptance criteria: List of all messages in table with time, channel, product, purpose and short description. On click, the full message will be extended to full length.