Key parent P fe story points be story points story points Status
SM-3217 Epic Transaction Browsing in App Medium 2.0 0.0 2.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: want to open the transactions history list and filter the transactions by their category

Reason: so that I can display only related transactions.

Functional requirements:

The transaction history can be filtered based on category.

  • Each transaction should be categorized

UI requirements:

  • Filter icon should be displayed on the top of the “Transaction history” screen

Process flow:

  1. All transactions are displayed

  2. Filter is set

  3. The request is sent to BE based on the selected category/categories

  4. FE displays the received list of transactions based on the selected category/categories

Execution steps (Happy path):

  1. User is on “Transaction history“ screen

  2. User taps on the filter icon

  3. Filter screen is displayed

  4. User selects one or more categories

  5. User confirms the filter

  6. The transaction history contains only those transactions, which are under the selected category.

Internal dependencies:

“Transaction history” screen

Transaction Processor Manager

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios:

  1. User is on “Transaction history“ screen

  2. User taps on the filter icon

  3. Filter screen is displayed

  4. User selects one or more categories

  5. User confirms the filter

  6. If there are no transactions under the selected categories, then an empty state screen is displayed.

Acceptance criteria: 

  • A history list of all transactions not older than 1 year should be displayed

  • a filter icon is displayed on the top of the screen

  • user can select the filter icon and the filter screen is displayed

  • filter screen includes also the category drop-down

    • multiple categories can be selected as a filter in a separate modal screen

  • there is a reset option to remove all filters selected if needed

  • once the user confirms the filter, the transaction history list reloads and only transactions matching the category filter are displayed

Links to wireframes/UI: