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SM-3767 Epic Digital Goods: Mobile Top-up Airtime Load (Paynamics) Medium 1.0 0.0 1.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: want to see an overview of the transaction details,

Reason: so that I can confirm the “Buy Load” transaction from my SaFi bank account to a telco provider. Take into account also SM-3969 - Display Fee for Bill & Mobile Airload Transactions Blocked Task

Functional requirements:

Details of the transaction are displayed and with a passcode verification, the transaction is processed through Paynamics.

UI requirements:

  • “Review transaction” screen should include all the details from the previous screens:

    • phone number that the user is buying the load for

    • name of the beneficiary

    • name of the telco provider

    • load type

    • product SKU

    • product description

    • Amount

    • Note to self (optional)

    • CTA button “Buy”

Process flow:

  1. Load type is selected

  2. All data of the transaction is displayed on the “Review transaction” screen

    1. User can add a “Note”

  3. After tapping “Send”, password verification flow is initiated

Execution steps:

  1. User selects “Load Type” and taps “Continue”

  2. “Review transaction” screen is displayed

  3. User reviews details

  4. User taps “Buy” button

  5. User verifies themselves with password

Internal dependencies:

Password verification

🟢 4. [FE] Select Load Type & Product SKU [per Telco provider]

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios:

  1. User selects “Load Type” and taps “Continue”

  2. “Review transaction” screen is displayed

  3. User reviews details

  4. User adds a “Note” to the transaction

  5. User taps “Buy” button

  6. User verifies themselves with password

Acceptance criteria:

  • a “Review transaction” screen is displayed to the user after he selected the load type and product on the previous screen

  • it should include all the details from the previous screens:

    • phone number that the user is buying the load for

    • name of the beneficiary (owner of the phone number), doesn't need to be a legal name. If we don't have the name because the phone number was filled in manually, we will not display the name.

    • The name is available if:

      • the owner of the phone number is the user (the number is registered in SaFi)

      • the contact with phone number was selected from the contact list (name was attached to this contact)

    • date

    • name of the telco provider

    • load type (Load/Data/Call & Text)

    • product SKU (even for Load will be displayed)

    • Amount (if there is a range always choose the minimum amount)

    • Note to self (optional)

    • CTA button “Buy”

Links to wireframes/UI: