SaFi Bank Space : 🟢 Expired Cash-Out Transactions: Transaction Reversal into User Main Account

Key parent P fe story points be story points story points Status
SM-3688 Epic PL: Back Office <> Transactions Dependencies Medium 0.0 8.0 To Do

Role: User

Objective: I want to immediately receive my credit back into my master account after a cash-out transfer’s expiry due to my inaction/non-withdrawal at cashier/outlet,

Reason: so that my effective account balance is up-to-date

Business requirement background:

As a SaFi app user,

When I initiate a cash out transaction from the mobile app,

my master account is immediately debited with the amount I take to take out as cash, even though I haven’t physically withdrawn cash out from the chosen outlet/cashier venue.

After initiating the cash-out transfer, the respective funds (which are expected to be withdrawn in the near future) are transferred from user’s master account into an internal SaFi account.

From the moment of placing the transaction in the app, the user has 5 calendar days (including weekend days) to take the money out. After this timeframe, if the cash-out transfer is not actioned, the cash is not physically withdrawn, i.e. the cash-out transfer expires, which means is no longer actionable.

Therefore, the user must see his account balance updated, i.e. receiving the cash out funds amount back into the master account.

Functional requirements:

Cash-out transactions are always processed by the Paynamics aggregator.

Upon cash-out expiry, Back office should initiate a reversal transaction of that cash-out transfer for the same amount with a positive amount.

UI requirements: -

Process flow:

Money Withdrawal via Cash Out

Execution steps:

  1. User initiates a cash-out transaction

  2. User’s master account is debited with the amount

  3. User does not complete the transaction in 5 calendar days

  4. The amount is transferred back to the user’s master account

Internal dependencies:

🟢Epic: Money Withdrawal via Cash-Out (Paynamics) | only in App

Cash-out transactions are always processed by the Paynamics aggregator.

Upon cash-out expiry, Back office should initiate a reversal transaction of that cash-out transfer for the same amount with a positive amount.

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • user sees a respective incoming transaction with a positive balance for the same amount of the

  • the reversal transaction has description compiled as “Expired Cashout Refund” + “OutletName” + “the unique reference number”

  • reversed transaction appears in the transaction history panel of the mobile app within a few seconds from cash-out transfer expiration message being processed by SaFi.

Links to wireframes/UI: -