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SM-990 Epic Automated Scheduling one-time & recurring (MVP) Medium 5.0 0.0 In Review

Role: User

Objective: I want to be able to see the list of active transaction schedules

Reason: So that I have an overview of future payments and can see their details or cancel them.

Functional requirements:

Users should be able to find the list of active schedules under the link See all on Payments page. If it will be hard to find for the user during the launch of MVP product, consider to replace the entry point.

UI requirements:

The history list of all transactions includes switcher with two tabs, one for History and other one for Schedules.

Process flow:

Execution steps:

  1. User is on “Payments” screen

  2. User taps on “See all” and opens the full history list

  3. User selects ‘Schedules’ tab on the switcher

Internal dependencies:

Payments screen

External dependencies:

Alternative scenarios:

Acceptance criteria:

  • on the Payments screen, there is a link ‘See all’ that displays full transaction history list

  • there is a switcher on the top of the full history screen with tabs ‘History’ and ‘Scheduled’

  • user is able to select the ‘Scheduled’ tab and a list of active transaction schedules is displayed

  • each transaction schedule row includes:

    • start date

    • icon of the transaction category

    • icon of the status (active only)

    • beneficiary/merchant name

    • frequency

  • user can select a transaction schedule to open its details (described here SM-6464 - 5. [FE] Detail of an active transaction Schedule Done )

Links to wireframes/UI: