SM-1056 - BO: Transaction adjustment Done


SM-4150 - Flagged transaction reject/release Done

SAF-939 - Blocking / unblocking amount (for incoming transactions) Ready for Testing



Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user I want to resolve transactions flagged by Slacker and reject or release them, so they can be processed.

Reason: In order to help customer with flagged and halted transactions, I need to be able to reject or release them.

See: Transaction Fraud Check &

Functional requirements:

  1. Slacker will mark transactions to be investigated in BOFE

  2. Slacker will automatically create Jira ticket via createTransactionFraudTicket endpoint.

  3. BOFE agent will pick up the ticket and navigate to customer account transactions, where flagged transactions are displayed.

  4. After necessary investigation, agent can reject or release the transaction. Subject to the maker-checker process.

Acceptance criteria:

Customer transactions that are flagged by Slacker are in pending state and user can click on transaction action button to open the reject / release action menu.

Upon clicking on the release button, the transaction will be processed. Upon clicking on the reject button, transaction will be discarded. Subject to the maker-checker process.