Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution
SM-3161 Atome Direct Debit functionality Story 04/Aug/22 8:22 PM 27/Oct/22 3:40 PM Marek Roštár Jakub Uhrík Medium Blocked Task Unresolved

Role: Business partner (Atome)

Objective: Want to be able to charge SaFi customers through electronic interface

Reason: So that I can transfer amount to internal account within SaFi

Functional requirements:

Funds can be transferred from the customer’s account to the internal account within SaFi.

UI requirements: -

Process flow:

Atome - Buy Now Pay Later Payment

Execution steps:

  1. User made a BNPL transaction

  2. On the date of a BNPL repayment, the amount is charged from the costumer’s account

  3. The funds are transferred to the internal account within SaFi

Internal dependencies:

Epic: Atome direct debit

External dependencies:

Epic: Atome direct debit

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • Exist public endpoint which allows to define customer by Id, amount, payment identification and business partner, on behalf of which payment is being done

  • After the request funds are transferred from customer account to predefined business partner account within SaFi.

Links to wireframes/UI: -