SaFi Bank Space : 🟢 Epic: Transfer Wireframes/Grey Screen to MVP Designs

Key epic name P story point estimate Status
SM-3428 Transfer Wireframes/Grey Screen to MVP Designs Medium Done


This epic refers to transfer of wireframe screens to MVP UI designs.

Key Summary T Due Assignee P Status Resolution
SM-7891 [FE]: Send money :: SaFi :: Scan QR code Story Juan Rafael Liban Medium Resolved Unresolved
SM-3706 Adjust Account Number field length indicator in 'Send to' Screen Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3705 Amount Field in 'Send To' to support decimal quantities with 2 decimal places Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3661 [FE]: Cash-in :: E-Wallet :: Transaction details Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3660 [FE]: Cash-in :: E-Wallet :: Results screen Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3659 [FE]: Cash-in :: E-Wallet :: Review transaction Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3658 Cash-in :: E-Wallet :: Fill in amount Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3657 Top-up :: E-Wallet :: Select E-Wallet Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3656 [FE]: Send money :: SaFi :: Results screen Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3655 [FE]: Send money :: Other bank :: Review transaction Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3654 [FE]: Send money :: Other bank :: Fill transaction details Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3653 [FE]: Send money :: Other bank :: Select bank screen Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3612 Send money :: Other bank :: Send to screen to mvp Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3611 Update all Transaction Results screen to MVP design Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3610 Send money :: SaFi :: Transaction successful to MVP design Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3609 Send money :: passcode to MVP design Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3608 Send money :: SaFi :: review transaction to MVP design Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3607 Send money :: SaFi :: Specify transaction details to MVP design Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3606 Send Money :: SaFi :: Send To :: Contacts list to MVP design Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
SM-3605 Send Money :: SaFi :: Send To screen to MVP Story Kristína Magyarová Medium Done Done
Showing 20 out of 22 issues