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SM-626 Epic PUBLIC LAUNCH: Automated Scheduling one-time & recurring | Advanced Featured Medium 2.0 8.0 To Do

Role: User

Objective: I want to convert the one-time payment into a scheduled payment

Reason: So that I donā€™t have to recreate the same transaction step by step

Functional requirements:

UI requirements:

Process flow:

Execution steps:

Internal dependencies:

External dependencies:

Alternative scenarios:

Acceptance criteria:

  • Fulfilled payment must offer an option to convert the one-time money transfer into a scheduled recurring transaction.

  • All filled information will be re-used

  • The client can define the occurrence of payment: daily, weekly, monthly, or annually

    • Weekly: require specifying the day in a week

    • Monthly: require specifying the day in a specific month

    • Annually: require specifying the exact month and day

  • Selected occurrence model to be stored in the system

  • Fully automatic scheduled payments will be processed by the system on a specific date without any interaction required from the client-side.

Links to wireframes/UI: