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SM-1008 Epic PUBLIC LAUNCH: Automated Scheduling one-time & recurring | Advanced Featured Medium 3.0 13.0 To Do

Role: User

Objective: want to automatically transfer money from my own master account to one of my sub-accounts in the same bank as a one-time transfer which takes place at a pre-defined time in the future.


Functional requirements:

UI requirements:

Process flow:

Execution steps:

Internal dependencies:

External dependencies:

Alternative scenarios:

Acceptance criteria:

  • User can create a standard payment from the master account

  • Key information for payment must be provided by the client as in the manual input

  • User can choose only a future date for the one-time occurrence of payment, i.e. date before ‘today’ cannot be selected

  • Selected occurrence model to be stored in the system

  • Fully automated scheduled transaction will be processed by the system on a specific date without any interaction required from the client-side.

Links to wireframes/UI: