SM-1059 - BO: Cards edit In Progress


SM-4252 - Freeze/unfreeze card Done



 Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to help customer freeze / unfreeze his card.

Reason: In case customer don’t know how to freeze / unfreeze card in mobile app, BOFE user can do it for them.

Functional requirements:

BOFE user can can edit the status block and change the freeze / unfreeze switcher. When submitting the changes by pressing submit button, new confirmation modal will appear with ticket number input, as this change is subject to maker-checker process.

Link to wireframes/ui:

Acceptance criteria: When changing the card status, user can toggle freeze / unfreeze switch, to change the card status. Upon submitting changes, modal with ticket number input will be displayed, as this change is subject to maker-checker process. When approved, the card freeze state will switch.


Status = edit.jpg (image/jpeg)