SaFi Bank Space : 🟢 Epic: Slacker Integration in Transactions (MVP)

Key epic name P story point estimate Status
SM-4720 Slacker Integration in Transactions (MVP) Medium In Progress



This epic is related to transactions checked by slacker that need:

  • step-up authentication by face match or video KYC

If the Slacker decides that the transaction evaluation needs additional verification from the user, the Access Manager will select the appropriate authentication factor (face match or video KYC) and will challenge the user.

  • manual approval by the back office

For transactions that were marked for manual approval, the fraud team in the back office will manually check those and decide whether to approve or reject those transactions.

Execution steps:

  1. User creates a transaction
  2. The transaction is checked by the fraud system Slacker
  3. User will
    1. either receive an additional authentication request (step-up) - face match or video KYC
      1. User will provide the requested data/action
      2. The transaction is approved (its processing will start) or rejected
    2. or wait while the transaction is manually checked by the back office
      1. User will receive a push notification with the result of the evaluation
      2. The transaction is approved or rejected