Customers shall be assess fees based the following events.

  • As a form of extension. (OD)

  • Movement thru the buckets

    • 1-30,31-60…

  • Movement thru collections phases.

    • Early to Late collects until legal.





Extension fee


Fee assessed on the account after 1 month.

Late Penalty Fee (OD)

Fix amount depending on the loan amount type.


Fees shall progress base on identified tiered amounts

For 500 to less than 1000;

a.50-DPD 6

b.75-DPD 36

c.100-DPD 60

c.150-DPD 90

For accounts 1000 and above

a.100-DPD 6

b.150-DPD 36

c. 175 DPD 60

c. 200-DPD 90


Fees shall be assessed as such

  • DPD 6-200

  • DPD36-400

  • DPD 60-600

  • DPD90-800

Fee assessed after the account moves to delinquency after the extension period.

For OD this would be;

at DPD 61.


  • Origination (Start) to 30-Free period

  • 31-60 - Extension (49 charge)

  • 61 (Start of DPD 1)

    • This is where the fees shall be assess.

Late Penalty Fee (Loans)

to be finalized

Fee assessed on the account after due date +5.

-Grace period shall be given 5 days before fees are assessed 5 days after entering each collections bucket.

  • DPD C1 (Fee assessed on 6)

  • DPD C2 (Fees assessed on 36)

  • DPD C3 (fees to be assessed on 60)

  • DPD 90

Fee assessment schedule.

  • a late penalty fee Is assessed 5 days after the due date.(200)

  • Once the account moves to 30 DPD on the 35th day another penalty will be assessed (400).

  • Once it reaches 60DPD (600)

  • Once it reaches 90DPD (800)

  • Once it reaches 60 till 90DPD no more grace period another late fee shall be assessed

Termination fee

(To be discussed)

or could be termed collections fees. Because on terminated accounts we are to send them to external agencies. (Refer to Legal and compliance)

Legal Fees

(To be determined with Risk)

Fees assessed as the account is terminated and is being assigned to Legal.

Reference Comparison of fees with Competitors

As per agreed last risk session (10/26)
