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SM-5082 Epic Money Withdrawal via Cash-Out (Paynamics)| Only in App High 2.0 0.0 2.0 Done


Role: User

Objective: I won't be able to activate another OTC transaction by the same merchant twice.


There is a limit for Cash-out Withdrawal transactions - only 1 active OTC transaction per merchant is available.

Functional requirements:

An active cash-out transaction has to be already pending for the same OTC merchant.

UI requirements:

A pop-up appears with the following text:

“You have a pending otcMerchant cash-out via OTC transaction already”

Cash-out amount displayed below

“Close” button

“See details” CTA button

Process flow:

Execution steps (Happy path):

  1. User has already placed a cash-out transaction from the OTC merchant

  2. User is on the merchant selection panel

  3. Merchants are displayed with their logos

  4. User selects the same merchant

  5. Pop-up appears with the warning message

Internal dependencies:

External dependencies:


Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • User can select the desired OTC merchant from the list even if there is already an active Withdrawal via Cash-out or Cash-in by that merchant

  • a modal window with a warning message will be displayed “You have already a pending otcMerchant withdrawal via cash-out transaction already” and the user cannot activate another cash-out transaction by a selected merchant

  • Cash-out amount is displayed

  • CTA button “See details” is displayed

Links to wireframes/UI:
