SaFi Bank Space : 🟢 Epic: Transaction Fee & Remaining free transactions (MVP)

Key epic name P story point estimate Status
SM-5059 Transaction Fee & Remaining free transactions (MVP) Medium In Progress


This epic tracks outstanding tickets on displaying specific fees, which have been de-scoped from EPFS build but still in MVP:

  • Bill & mobile top-up load fees
  • Display 'upgrade to' button

This epic includes the display of fees to the user (it changes according to different flow) and the fee calculation needed in the back end (in a separate component - fee manager)

  • for bill payments and mobile top-up load there is 0 fee displayed and charged to the user however, the fee consists of the actual cost of the transaction charged by Paynamics and the income for SaFi bank (fee= cost + income). Both need to be posted internally. For now the fee is covered by SaFi.

Execution steps:

  1. User is making “Bill Payment” or “Mobile Load” transactions
  2. User is on the “Review transaction” screen or on the “Transaction details” screen of a transaction
  3. The transaction fee is displayed as 0

The user should be able to upgrade the account subscription, so that he can transfer money without a fee if he runs out of free transactions.

Execution steps:

  1. User is creating a transaction (withdrawal, top-up or transfer)
  2. Transaction detail page is displayed
  3. User taps on “Upgrade” CTA button in the section displayed above the CTA button “Continue”
  4. User will be redirected to the subscription options page
  5. After user selects a subscription, the user is redirected back to the “Transaction details” screen