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SM-5252 Epic EPFS Slacker Integration in Transactions Medium 8.0 0.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: wants to have 3 attempts to input the PIN passcode

Reason: so that the user can still authenticate himself when he inputs the wrong passcode by mistake and so completes the transaction.

Functional requirements:

  • if the user enters the wrong pin, the phone could vibrate and the dots would shake.

UI requirements:

The number of attempts left is placed under the dots (passcode)

Process flow:-

Execution steps:

  1. User creates a transaction

  2. User has to input correct PIN passcode to confirm the transaction

  3. if the PIN passcode is incorrect, phone will vibrate and dots will shake

  4. number of attempts is -1

Internal dependencies:-

External dependencies:-

Alternative scenarios:

  1. User creates a transaction

  2. User has to input correct PIN passcode to confirm the transaction

  3. if the PIN passcode is incorrect for the 3rd time, the transaction is aborted

  4. User is redirected back to the first screen after selecting the type of transaction.

Acceptance criteria:

  • User wants to create a transaction

  • After confirmation, the user will receive an additional authentication request for the PIN passcode

  • User has 3 attempts to input the correct passcode

    • if the PIN passcode is correct the action is approved and user can continue with the transaction

    • if the PIN passcode was input incorrectly, the number of attempts left will be lowered (-1)

    • If the PIN passcode was input incorrectly 3 times in a row - the transaction must be aborted,

      user will not be able to continue with the action and the tx will not be saved in THM. User will be redirected back to the first screen after selecting the type of transaction.

Links to wireframes/UI: