Key parent P fe story points be story points story points Status
SM-2270 Epic Attempted Failed Transaction - Error Messages (EPFS) Medium 0.0 1.0 1.0 Done


Role: Message mapping/processing service


to convert all response codes including error codes to user-friendly & formal messages when reverting back to the user


so that the user is not confused and understands what happened with the transaction.

Functional requirements:

  1. There are hundreds of different response codes, and the response codes may be modified or expanded.

  2. Will convert response codes to user friendly message when reverting back to the receivers/users.

  3. We only need to support ONE locale.

  4. Different integration services (i.e., payment aggregator/partner/merchants) will have different response codes and messages.

  5. As a message mapping/processing service, we will include information on whether a response code/message is successful or not.

  6. If some external services does not have any response code, we will use the response message instead. It will be generic if the service only provides the HTTP code without any response message.

  7. We will use the most specific code available. For example, BN Instapay have HTTP response code and ISO20022 formatted response code. In this case we will use the ISO20022 formatted response code.

UI requirements: -

Process flow:

Execution steps: -

Internal dependencies: Microservice module (Mapper)

External dependencies: Paynamics

Alternative scenarios:-

Acceptance criteria:

  • a withdrawal transaction is initiated and an error occurred

  • the integration service (i.e., payment aggregator/partner/merchants) will respond with an error code/message

    • If some external services do not have any response code, we will use the response message instead

  • mapping service will compare the response from the integration service with a relational database, where the mappings are stored

  • a more user-friendly (or formal) error message is selected and displayed to the user

Links to wireframes/UI: n/a


Paynamics Paygate CC Direct Server ver 2_13_2.pdf (application/pdf)
Paynamics Response Mapping.xlsx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet)