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SM-140 Epic Transfer Money between own SaFI accounts Medium 3.0 Done

Role: Client


Money must be transferred from the main account to a sub-account (pocket) or vice versa for the same bank client.


The client wants to transfer money from his/her own active master account to any other sub-account (pocket) or vice versa.

Functional requirements:

  • The client account must be active and KYC/AML valid.

  • The maximum number of sub-accounts (pockets) per client is eight.

  • No special checks, such as Transaction Screening, Transaction Monitoring, Fraud Detection are required.

  • If you transfer money from the master account to any sub-account (pocket), then on master account must stay minimum amount of money (minimum = 1 PESO).

  • If you transfer money from a sub-account (pocket) to a master account, the sub-account (pocket) could be reduced for an exact amount of money or cloud stay empty (equal to zero) at the end of this operation (transfer of all money).

UI requirements:

  • This operation must be simple from a UI perspective: select your own sub-account (pocket), provide value for transfer, and after confirmation, this transfer must be realized ASAP. The user must receive confirmation of the successful or failed transfer.

Process flow:

Execution steps:

  • Select main account or sub-account (pocket)

  • Define the amount of money for the transfer

  • Check if the provided amount of money is available

  • Manage money transfer between main account and sub-account (pocket) or vice-versa

  • The value of sending account is reduced for the amount of transferred money

  • The value of receiving account is increased for the amount of transferred money

  • Payment Ledger includes information about the managed transaction

  • Provide transaction confirmation (positive or negative) message

  • If the transaction failed, ensure that the value of sending and receiving accounts didn’t change

Internal dependencies:

  • TM: Payment Ledger

External dependencies:

  • IAM: User Verification

Alternative scenarios: n/a

Acceptance criteria:

  • The User can select one of his/her sub-accounts (pockets) from an existing list

  • The User can define the amount of money for the transfer

  • The User can see that the sending account was reduced (amount of money)

  • The User can see that receiving account was increased (amount of money)

  • Payment Ledger includes information about the managed transaction

  • The User can see positive or negative confirmation of the transaction

Links to wireframes/UI: