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SM-358 Epic Transfer Money between own SaFI accounts Medium Done

Role: Client


Money must be transferred from the main account of user A to the main account of user B in the SaFi Bank.


The client wants to transfer money from his/her own master account to another active master account in the same bank owned by another client. Transfer can be done via an account number or registered phone number of the beneficiary (receiver).

Functional requirements:

  • The sender and receiver client accounts must be active and KYC/AML valid.

  • No special checks, such as Transaction Screening, Transaction Monitoring, and Fraud Detection are required.

  • The transfer is managed from the master account of one client to the master account of another client.

  • Transfer can be managed only in case that on sender's master account is enough money, including the fee for the transfer. The minimum value which must stay on the master account after any transfer is 1 PESO.

UI requirements:

  • This operation must be simple from a UI perspective: from your own master account provide value for transfer, identify beneficiary (via account number or phone number) and after confirmation, the transfer must be realized ASAP. The user must receive confirmation of the successful or failed transfer.

Process flow:

Execution steps:

  • Select the main account of user A (client of SaFi Bank)

  • Define the account number or phone number of user B (client of SaFi Bank)

  • Define the amount of money for the transfer

  • Check if the provided amount of money is available

  • Manage money transfer between the main account of user A to the main account of user B

  • The value of sending account is reduced for the amount of transferred money

  • The value of receiving account is increased for the amount of transferred money

  • Payment Ledger includes information about the managed transaction

  • Provide transaction confirmation (positive or negative) message for user A

  • Send notification (pop-up) to user B about received money

  • If the transaction failed, ensure that the value of sending and receiving accounts didn’t change

Internal dependencies:

  • TM: Payment Ledger

External dependencies:

  • IAM: User Verification

Alternative scenarios: n/a

Acceptance criteria:

  • User A can select his/her main account

  • User A can define the amount of money for the transfer

  • User A can see that the sending account was reduced (amount of money)

  • User B can see that receiving account was increased (amount of money)

  • Payment Ledger includes information about the managed transaction

  • User A can see positive or negative confirmation of the transaction

  • User B can see pop-up about received money

Links to wireframes/UI: