SaFi Bank Space : Set-up Android Virtual Device (AVD)

You can set up Android Virtual Device in order to test the SaFi application. Suitable use cases include, but are not limited to:

  • you need/want to use multiple devices at the same time

  • testing for various Screen Sizes

  • testing the application running on OS API levels.


Testing on a physical device is superior to the emulator. Usability might be much worse in several use cases. Peripheries - such as GPS, Camera, and gyroscope may not work the same way as with the physical device - thus some components may behave differently than intended. Therefore, please take testing on the AVD with a grain of salt - and use it mainly to test logic and use cases where you need multiple various accounts or devices you can’t replicate with the physical ones.

(blue star) Setting up AVDs

The easiest way to set up an AVD:

  1. Install Android Studio.

    1. Link:

  2. After launching the Android Studio, select from the Welcome screen → More Actions → Virtual Device Manager

  3. From Device Manager screen select → Create Device → choose a device you’d like to simulate from the list (proceed further with by clicking Next button)

  4. Select System Image you’d like to emulate (for SaFi don’t use the image with API level below 26) and proceed further

    1. You can download Image by clicking the arrow icon right next to it (the icon appears only if you do not have the image already downloaded)

  5. In the next screen Virtual Device Configuration select Show Advanced Settings

    1. Change Camera setting to your web camera (for both Front and Back)

    2. Change Internal Storage value so it has enough space for OS, operations and the application (my personal experience the app was working fine with 2500MB Internal capacity)

      1. here is screen capture of settings that proved to be working fine

  6. Finish the Device Configuration and Launch the AVD from the Device Manager

Note: You can create multiple devices by repeating steps 3-6

(blue star) Getting the app on the AVD

Once you have an AVD instance running, you can install the testing app:

  1. Open Chrome a go to

  2. Login with your testing account (your Vacuumlabs email)

  3. Download the latest build using the link from the newest message from

    1. Alternatively download Install Firebase App Tester using the link in the email or directly from

  4. Install the application (either from the downloaded apk or via Firebase App Tester)

Note: The AVD - in the same way as a physical device - can in the process require from you multiple times to sign in, provide additional permissions, or setting up phone lock pattern/PIN.

Known SaFi issues in regards to AVD:

Advance AI component for Liveness check in Onboarding does not work in the emulator. However the current situation allows any user to skip this part of the onboarding without any consequences (using barely visible SKIP button in the top right corner). This might become a limitation in the future.