(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants

The Board:


(blue star) Action items

Open from previous Retrospectives:


  • Scrum Master: Strictly follow  agenda of the meeting

Business Owner expectations

  • The team: Discuss with Jideo his expectation for the sprint during Sprint Planning meeting
  • Scrum Master: Include the expectations into Sprint Goal in Jira



  • Scrum Master: Present availability of team members during next sprint on Sprint Planning meeting
  • The team: Take the planned vacation into account during Sprint Planning


  • Product Management: Avoid undeliverable functionality or impossible acceptance criteria requesting not finished functionality from other squads in user stories. Create separate user stories for later sprints instead.

New from this Retrospective:

Breaking Changes

  • Scrum Master: Address following APs with Program Tech Lead
    • Identify breaking changes with proper testing
    • Announce breaking changes
    • Avoid breaking changes during demo time

Sprint Planning

  • The team: The Sprint planning will be driven by the team and team will decide what can go to the sprint, how many story points is realistic to finish and commit to.

Test Improvement

  • The team: Improve test data and test users. Automated deployment script that re-creates the users specific to each squad.
  • The team: Put emphasis on (acceptance) testing, before closing the sprint. Everybody install the app!
  • Tech Lead: Address the speed of integration test. If not possible, Pavol Rajzák (Unlicensed) will implement improvements.

User Stories acceptance (Resolved → Done)

  • Product Management: User stories should be checked by product owner regularly, since there are tickets that are ready for checking early but are only checked at the end of the sprint.

Retrospective improvement

  • Scrum Master: Find the board that can be used by everybody.

(blue star) Idea

We should start thinking about splitting the team, e.g. backend/frontend or per microservices (open question), since effective scrum team should be 5-7 people.