Chapter Updates

Start doing:

Idempotency lib enhancement

Owner : hui.zhu (Unlicensed)

SAF-470 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Common Logger enhancement

Owner : elmer.astronomo (Unlicensed)

SAF-166 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Alerting Rules for micro-service

Owner : User 69631

SAF-1601 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Research on Kafka Streams

Owner : Andre Laksmana (Unlicensed)

Outbox pattern with CDC support

Owner : User 83c4d

Temporal Workflow exception handling

Owner : elmer.astronomo (Unlicensed)

Observability support

Owner : Yuetong Yang (Unlicensed)

DLQ Lib update

  1. New version of kafka generator will be out soon

  2. New scripts for creating DLQ topics


  1. Load Balancing with Istio on multiple pods

    1. SAF-1844 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  2. Protobuf file management

  3. Cloudflare support

Coroutine adoption

  1. Logging with tracing context support

  2. Idempotency lib coroutine support

  3. Research on R2DBC

  4. Best practices

  5. gRPC is totally based on coroutine

Questions / Topics for discussion

  1. Http 2 upgrade ?

    1. We will put on hold and wait for gRPC PoC results

  2. Running system in scale mode to do the test

    1. SAF-1846 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  3. Rate limiting

    1. SAF-1847 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  4. Do we have force upgrade on app side (for critical issue / upgrade required) ?

    1. we do have plan for this and will do it with firebase

  5. Consent management platform

    1. Andre Laksmana (Unlicensed) will help to check how this is been done on Jago