SaFi Bank Space : 🟢 [FE] Select an E-Wallet from Suggested List or from List of all E-Wallets

Key parent P fe story points be story points story points Status
SM-6421 Epic Money Withdrawal to E-Wallet Paynamics (MVP) Medium 1.0 0.0 1.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: wants to select an E-Wallet from the suggested list

Reason: so that user can select and transfer money to the preferred E-Wallet easier and faster.

Functional requirements: -

UI requirements:

  • Add a “Suggested” section on top, where the top picked e-wallets are listed next to each other.

  • Add a search bar under the “Suggested” section

  • Display the logos of the e-wallets in the list.

  • The list should be in alphabetical order

Process flow: -

Execution steps:

  1. User taps on “Receiver’s e-wallet” on “Send to” screen

  2. “Select e-wallet” modal window is displayed

  3. User selects an e-wallet by clicking on it

  4. The name and logo of the e-wallet are prepopulated

Internal dependencies:

External dependencies:

List of available e-wallets

Alternative scenarios:

Acceptance criteria:

  • When the user clicks on the dropdown of e-wallet, a modal is displayed with the following parts:

    • Suggested list

    • search bar

    • list of all e-wallets available

  • a suggested list of e-wallets is provided to the user (by BE), with the following list of e-wallets to be displayed:

    • GCash, Paymaya, Grabpay

  • a list of all e-wallets is provided to the user in alphabetical order

  • there is a search bar available to the user to find a specific e-wallet

  • once User picks an e-wallet from the list, its name will be prepopulated

Links to wireframes/UI: