SaFi Bank Space : Engineering handover - Customers/Onboarding

This is the list of what should be handed over (checked by SaFi side after handed over), and also it is a good agenda for the handover meeting:

  • Jira - how is the work managed, how to work with it
  • Confluence - how is documentation structured, a brief overview
  • 3rd parties - what, for what, where it is documented
  • Contact persons/channels - for 3rd parties, products, …
  • Credentials - where are they, how are they managed
  • Dev level test - what is covered, what not, where to put the focus, where to be careful
  • Bugs/VAPT findings - which are there for SaFi to pick up
  • Planned development for MVP - what we were planning to do till the end of January (NFRs, tests, tech debt…)
  • Ownership handover
  • Squad Stakeholders

  • tech leadership (who shall be the person from SaFi’s side if it is already clear)

  • consult their idea of ownership in the team (if nothing is missing)

  • cancelation of our meetings and let SaFi create their own invites

  • For developers (workshop, and maybe they already know):
  • code structure

  • microservices - important microservices and connections for the squad

  • 3rd parties of the squad - how they work, pitfalls,

  • tooling - linters, how to run it locally, how to run tests…

  • business logic - short intro to business logic and what is the business scope of the squad and what not



We keep the order of the tasks based on the business priority (the most priority on the top) → which means we are moving the tasks in the done state to the bottom of the Sprint log.


Solution blueprint: Customers

The root of documentation: Domain: Customers in the following structure:

3rd parties

3rd Parties


Business owner: User a4ec8

OSP Workflows manager: User bfe09 (Noie De Guzman on SaFi slack, on Lark)


  • #squad-onboarding - the main channel

  • #squad-onboarding-dev - the channel for tech discussion (e.g. asking for the PR review)

  • #squad-onboarding-jira - the channel for sharing new tasks created in the JIRA


3rd parties contacts:


They are written using white font color and are stored on the following pages:

Dev level test

The current line coverage (exported on , from SonarQube SAST Guideline ) is shown below:

  • all happy flows are covered,

  • duplications are caused by endpoint annotations (return type documentation), and overlapping contracts in AAI.

Bugs/VAPT findings

There was one VAPT finding ( SM-7068 - SaFi-2022-11 SaFi Mobile Application Lack Of Server Side Input Validation Done ) it is resolved. All technical bugs are being tracked in the backlog.

Planned development for MVP

The following epics contain planned development:

  • SM-7148 - ONB_CUS: Technical Improvements - MVP In Progress

  • SM-5101 - ONB_CUS: Business Improvements In Progress

  • SM-6522 - ONB_CUS: Robustness In Progress

  • SAF-765 - ONB_CUS: Test Done

Non-functional BE requirements (all the requirements):

  • doable

    • SM-7374 - [NFR] Input sanitization - Customer squad To Do - it needs to be checked if each property on the endpoints is validated

    • SM-7395 - [NFR] Data privacy - endpoint exposure - Customer squad To Do - mainly do not expose properties that are not needed on the FE side

  • blocked:

For developers

We are the owners of 3 microservices (CODEOWNERS):

Code structure:

List of 3rd party integrations:

Business logic: see Onboarding - Epics
