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SM-7459 Epic Manual Repeat of Transactions (Scheduled & non, Executed) Medium 3.0 0.0 To Do

Role: User

Objective: want to be able to repeat the transaction in its final state

Reason: So that I can create the same type of transaction with pre-populated data.

Functional requirements:

  • this functionality allows the user to repeat only transactions in the final status, which could be:

    • successful

    • failed

    • expired

  • This functionality applies to both standard and scheduled transactions, except for inbound transactions

UI requirements:

  • ‘Repeat transaction’ option should be displayed as a secondary button at the bottom of the transaction history detail screen

Process flow:

  1. User initiates transaction repeat

  2. The same transaction type flow is initiated

  3. Transaction details are pre-populated

Execution steps (Happy path):

  1. User is on “Transaction history” screen

  2. User taps on “repeat transaction” button of a successful/failed/expired transaction on the list

  3. The same transaction type flow is initiated with pre-populated data

  4. User can edit the data and confirm the transaction (create the transaction again)

Internal dependencies:

Transaction history screen

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • ‘Repeat transaction’ option should be displayed as a secondary button at the bottom of the transaction history detail screen

  • this functionality allows the user to repeat only transactions in the final status, which could be:

    • successful

    • failed

    • expired

  • once the user clicks on this button the 'send to' screen appears with all details from the previous transaction copied in

  • The pre-populated fields can be amended

  • User can submit this transaction as s/he would submit any other regular transaction

Links to wireframes/UI:
