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SM-6461 Epic Automated Scheduling one-time & recurring (MVP) Medium 2.0 0.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: I want to see an overview of the transaction schedule details

Reason: So that I can confirm the future transfers from my SaFi bank account.

Functional requirements:

Review screen has to contain all previously added data. The details are not editable except for note to self.

UI requirements: -

Process flow:

  1. Data presented on the Review Transaction screen as a summary

  2. User Verification (password)

  3. Transaction is being processed

Execution steps:

  1. User is navigated to the Review Transaction screen

  2. User taps on Continue button

  3. User verification is needed

  4. Transaction is processed

Internal dependencies:


External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • the review screen is not dynamic, if data not available ‘n/a’ value should be displayed

  • the user will see an overview of the schedule as read-only, which includes

    • name of the user and account number (from)

    • name of the beneficiary and account number (to)

    • created date

    • start date - (the schedule will be executed between 00:01 - 03:00 AM)

    • end date (n/a if indefinitely)

    • note to receiver (optional)

    • frequency

    • amount

    • note to self (optional)

    • an info box with the note 'Fees may or may not apply during processing of transaction depending on your subscription benefits balance. [subject to chagne] (except intrabank transfers, they are without fee being charged)

    • CTA button “Schedule”

  • Password screen is displayed to the user to be able to confirm the transaction

Links to wireframes/UI: