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SM-6921 Epic Display List of Historical Transactions (MVP) Medium 1.0 5.0 6.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: I want to be able to see subscription fee transactions in the history list section of the SaFi App.

Reason: So that I have evidence of subscription fee transactions and can access all the transaction details in the Transaction History list.

Functional requirements:

Transactions to be included:

  • All subscription fees/subscription fee waive events

UI requirements:

One row (subscription fee transaction) from the list includes

  • category icon with a successful status badge

  • transaction description

    • To: SaFiBank

    • Subscription plan (category)

  • the amount

Process flow:

Execution steps:

  1. User is on Transaction History screen

  2. Taps on subscription fee transaction

Internal dependencies:

Transaction History Manager

Transaction history screen

Payments screen

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • a reduced transaction history list is displayed on the Payments page (loans transactions can be also part of this list)

  • a hyperlink “See all” is available to the user, after selection the full history transaction list is displayed on a separate screen

  • A list of all transactions not older than 1 year should be displayed

  • a scroll-down functionality is available

  • one row (subscription fee transaction) from the list includes

    • category icon with a status badge

      • for subscription fee transactions, only successful status is relevant

    • transaction description

      • To: SaFiBank

      • Subscription plan (category)

    • the amount

Please note there is already V2 of the event being published

Links to wireframes/UI: (the posting with amount -299)