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SM-7319 Epic Display List of Historical Transactions (MVP) Medium 0.0 5.0 5.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: want to see the subscription fee detail history,

Reason: so that I can check the status of the transaction and see all the details.

Functional requirements:

The transaction’s details can be viewed from the Transaction history screen, thus it should be listed.

UI requirements:

  • Transaction detail” screen includes:

    • the amount

    • transaction ID

    • From: user name and account number

    • To: SaFiBank

    • status: successful

    • date

    • Category: Subscription plan

    • Plan: Sart/Growth/All-star (depends on user’s current subscription plan)

    • Note to self (optional and editable)“

Process flow:

  1. Transaction is added to the Transaction History Screen

  2. Further transaction details are available after selecting the transaction on the list

Execution steps:

  1. User is on Transaction History screen

  2. Taps on a subscription fee transaction

  3. The Transaction Details appear

Internal dependencies:

Transaction History Screen

External dependencies:

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • user is able to see all the transaction details related to a specific transaction selected from the list of transactions (history)

  • transaction details are displayed to the user in read-only mode

  • “Transaction detail” screen includes:

    • the amount

    • transaction ID

    • From: user name and account number

    • To: SaFiBank

    • status: successful

    • date

    • Category: Subscription plan

    • Plan: Sart/Growth/All-star (depends on user’s current subscription plan)

    • Note to self (optional and editable)

Links to wireframes/UI: