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SM-5143 Epic Tx Security - authorisation and authentication (MVP) Medium 8.0 0.0 Done

Role: Transaction squad

Objective: want to implement Password instead of PIN passcode

Reason: so that we can additionally check user’s presence.

Functional requirements:

  • PIN = passcode = numeric (only) code

  • password = all kinds of characters

Regular PIN/passcode will not be used, only password. The user will set the password when onboarding. Biometrics can be enabled/disabled later from the menu (implemented in SM-1197 - Customer changes - set usage of device biometrics Done )

UI requirements:-

Process flow:

Execution steps:

Internal dependencies:

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • If authentication is needed, the app (Slacker) will request the password from the user (or do biometrics if that is enabled)

  • the alphanumeric keyboard should be displayed to the user

  • manual input of the password should be enabled

    • if the password is correct, user presence is authorized and user can proceed with the action

    • if the password is incorrect, the action (transaction) should be aborted, the screen of the transaction closes and the user is sent to the home screen (the attempt is recorded in Slacker but not in THM)

Links to wireframes/UI: