Key parent P fe story points be story points Status
SM-6464 Epic Automated Scheduling one-time & recurring (MVP) Medium 2.0 0.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: I want to have an access to the active Schedule details

Reason: So that I can check the status, frequency or cancel it.

Functional requirements:

Schedule details are saved once it has been created and can be accessed later on.

UI requirements: -

Process flow:

  1. Schedule is created

  2. Schedule details are saved

  3. Schedule details can be viewed

Execution steps:

  1. User is on status screen

  2. User taps on ”See schedule details”

  3. Schedule Details screen is displayed


  1. User is on Payments screen and selects see all transactions

  2. User taps on Scheduled tab

  3. User select an active transaction Schedule

  4. Schedule Details screen is displayed

Internal dependencies:

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • In case the user selects from the list of schedules an exact schedule, there must be the ability to show its details

  • another entry point to display the schedule details is from the status screen link ‘See schedule details’ right after the schedule was created, here > SM-6462 - 4. [FE] 'Transaction scheduled' status screen Done

  • details of the transaction schedule are displayed to the user in read-only mode:

    • the amount with grey ( - ) sign

    • name of the user and account number (from)

    • name of the beneficiary and account number (to)

    • status of the schedule which could be:

      • active

      • expired (we will keep expired parent in internal log only, no FE)

      • canceled (we will keep canceled parent in internal log only, no FE)

    • created date

    • start date

    • end date (n/a if indefinitely)

    • note to receiver (optional)

    • frequency

    • category

    • note to self (editable)

  • secondary CTA button “Cancel all scheduled transactions” is available to be able to cancel this transaction Schedule with all future transactions at once

Links to wireframes/UI: