SaFi Bank Space : Deleting Environment / Sandbox Projects

NOTE: Please update this documentation when process seems to be outdated

Deleting Sandbox Projects

  • safi-sandbox-tm6 SAF-1518 - Cleanup and remove safi-sandbox-tm6 project Done

  • safi-sandbox-tm4 SAF-1517 - Cleanup and remove safi-sandbox-tm4 project Done

  • safi-sandbox-tm3 SAF-1516 - Cleanup and remove safi-sandbox-tm3 project Done

  • safi-sandbox-istio1 SAF-1585 - Cleanup and remove - safi-sandbox-istio1 Done

  • safi-sandbox-datateaminfra SAF-1584 - Cleanup and remove - safi-sandbox-datateaminfra Done

Deletion steps:

  1. Checkout GitHub sandbox branch (sandbox/tm-6) and comment out the TF resources
    e.g. SaFiMono/commit/51397427d8bafa2b8ec71ea9ff9d9e1f8fd70a92

  2. Remove TF workspace in tf-dispatcher
    e.g. SaFiMono/commit/a3c62f28524cac1250ed6749f595234f78f78377

  3. Manually remove state for GCP API and RE-apply tf-dispatcher % terraform state rm 'module.sandbox_gcp_projects["tm-6"].google_project_service.api[""]'


Simply manually shutdown (delete) the project using the Google Cloud console and remove the state in tf-dispatcher

Deleting Environment Projects

Ticket Breakdown: SAF-271 - Delete Dev and Stage Environment. Done

Deleting a whole environment needs to be done with extra care, pair with someone in the team who has more experience.

List Resources Expected to be Deleted

  • GCP Resources

  • TF Resources

  • Teams / Permissions / Roles

  • Okta / CloudFlare

  • GCP Project and Workspaces

  • Vault Secrets

  • ArgoCD

  • Github Actions

Step 1. Okta and Cloudflare Resources

If the environment to be decommission is on different github branch, check if there are okta or cloudflare, or any cross-env resources that are not environment specific which are also managed by the main branch, deleting in the github branch of the environment can cause problem.

Step 2. Project Resources (First Layer)

To delete the environment, make sure to start cleaning up individual project resources like GKE, VMs, Buckets, etc. Delete process would be from Right to Left (see picture).
Project Resources → Project and Terraforms → Environment.

Note: From this stage, you might have some issue deleting KMS and Crypto-Key related resources. Delete them manually from the console, Remove autorotation and remove them manually in the TF state

Once you have destroyed all versions and stop rotation of the crypto keys, you can start removing them in the TF state, provided that you are in the correct workspace and environment.

terraform state list |grep (RESOUCE TO BE DELETED)

terraform state rm my_resource.kms.key

Step 3. GCP Projects (2nd Layer)

Once you have cleaned up all the project resources and all what’s left are the project them selves, you can now disable the environment in devops/terraform/ by setting local.safi_environments[env].enabled to false

  safi_environments = {
    dev = {
      domain_name              = "blah.blah"
      tfc_agents = 1
      enabled = false

Setting the parameters to false will delete a lot or GCP and Terraform Resources, around (330 to 400) at the time of this writing. Carefully review what resources are for deletion

Sample Terraform Run from deletion of Stage


Resources Type:

  • TF Workspaces and Variables, Teams and Team Assignment

  • GCP Projects and APis

  • Others

NOTE: Google APIs are sometimes Dependent to each other so terraform will trouble to delete them, remove them from the state manually

Step 3. Delete Folder (3rd Layer)

Once you have deleted successfully the projects, what should have left would be the Environment folder and the SharedVPC project. Delete the Env block from the to completely delete the environment.

Step 4. Cleanup

Delete other resources in