SaFi Bank Space : How to automate creation of gRPC client in Flutter/Dart

  1. brew install protoc

  2. 2. dart pub global activate protoc_plugin

  3. 3. add $HOME/.pub-cache/bin to $PATH

  4. 4. protoc -I=[path to proto folder] --dart_out=grpc:[path to output folder] [path to .proto file] example: protoc -I=services/card-manager/src/main/proto --dart_out=grpc:app/generic/module_common/lib/common/grpc/generated/test services/card-manager/src/main/proto/CardManagerV1.proto


  • How can we run this in pipeline and compare with the github repo to know if there is a contract change?

  • Or we can just use to check.

  • Need to create BaseGrpcClient to extend so we can have VIDA signature created.