Business Features

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Tech Items


2 out 4 DONE

SAF-1169 - Onboarding | Mobile : Remove "PhilSys ID" duplicate of National ID in the mobile app, align Figma Done

SAF-1469 - "More Information" Screens Adjustments Cancelled

SAF-1482 - UI | Customer - "Your consents" separate section in "Settings" screen. Align mobile app with Figma Ready for Testing

Step Up:

  • SAF-1628 - Create admin version of AdvanceAiSdkV1Controller.getLicense endpoint Done

  • SAF-1668 - Use customer-manager admin getLicense endpoint for Step-up Done

SAF-1610 - New OSP Workflows integration in the Mobile App Backlog

  • SAF-1705 - BE: create flow diagram for the three WF Done

SAF-1560 - Implement SonarGate Quality Check on Pipeline Done

SAF-1563 - Update all packages to Flutter 3.7.0 Done

SAF-1616 - Fix App Ios Build Done

SAF-1033 - BE: [coverage] DocumentServiceImpl Done

SAF-1483 - Idempotency for CustomerV1Controller - resend-otp Done

SAF-1490 - Idempotency for IdentityVerification Done

SAF-1505 - Idempotency for CustomerV1Controller - updateCustomerProfile Done

SAF-1559 - Remove pubspec.lock from all packages except App Done

SAF-1582 - Add Onboarding unit tests in usecase layer Done

SAF-1672 - check dependency in customer gradle Done

SAF-1655 - UI | Mobile | Android | Onboarding - After selecting plan it stuck in here Done

SAF-1180 - Cannot proceed with onboarding after vKYC Call Done

SAF-1656 - Server error response when sending a request payload to Dedupe in OSP Done