Business Features

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Tech Items


SAF-1469 - "More Information" Screens Adjustments Cancelled

  • BE (Done); FE (In Progress)

SAF-1482 - UI | Customer - "Your consents" separate section in "Settings" screen. Align mobile app with Figma Ready for Testing

  • BE (Done); FE (For Deployment)

SAF-1657 - First Workflow for Dedupe: Phone Number Dedupe Cancelled

  • BE (Done), FE (In Progress)

SAF-1662 - Second Workflow for Dedupe: ID Card Dedupe Cancelled

  • BE (In Progress)

SAF-1578 - Onboarding | Mobile | FE : Additional fields - "ID Number and Expiry Date" under "Personal Information" Screen Blocker

  • Deferred once signed-off

  • 2 new dedupe workflows

SAF-1743 - BE: use common logger instead of customer itself lib Done

SAF-1819 - BE: [coverage] LocationServiceImpl Done

SAF-1831 - BE: [coverage] CustomerResolvingServiceImpl Done

SAF-1898 - BE: [journey test] first dedup check for duplicated phone number Done

SAF-1559 - Remove pubspec.lock from all packages except App Done

SAF-1560 - Implement SonarGate Quality Check on Pipeline Done

SAF-1582 - Add Onboarding unit tests in usecase layer Done

SAF-1411 - Fix rendering of error message in OTP Done

SAF-1795 - IAM StepUpAuthentication to handle NOT_FOUND error Done

SAF-1796 - customer-manager shadowjar zip issue Done