Objective: Implement atoi, which converts string to an integer.

Rules for converting string to an integer.

  • If the string is null or empty, Integer will be 0.

  • The first character of string may represent the sign of the integer. ‘+’ or ‘-‘

  • Discard the white spaces if necessary.

  • If any point, conversion of the string is not possible then stop the conversion and return the integer created out of already processed string.


Input String: 1234
Converted Integer: 1234
Input String:  -03056
Converted Integer: -3056
Input String: -91283472332
Converted Integer: -2147483648
Input String: 2.56
Converted Integer: 2
Input String: 2147483643
Converted Integer: 2147483643
Input String: 216 after words
Converted Integer: 216
Input String: Before words 325
Converted Integer: 0


  1. check if the string is null, empty or “” then return 0.

  2. Trim the string from both ends.

  3. initialize sign = 1, result=0.

  4. Check if the first character of the input string is either ‘+’ or ‘-‘, start the string process from index 1 and In the case of ‘-‘, do sign = -1.

  5. Now iterate the string from left to right, one character at a time.

    • calculate the ASCII value of character, if ASCII value is in between 0 to 9 then do result = result * 10.( Keep track of result, it should not cross INT_MAX value, if it does then return INT_MAX*sign. The INT_MAX value is 2147483647).

    • If ASCII value is not between 0 to 9, then return the result, this will have a conversion for the already processed valid string.

  6. Return result*sign.