SaFi Bank Space : SaFi Tools & Platform

Please add proposed tools or platforms which we can use to help us do the interview. There are two stages for the whole process, feel free to add more tools which you think it’s helpful.

Code Test:

Descriptions: Each candidate will be given a problem to be solved maximum one hour within the next three days upon scheduling. Normally we want this to be automatic and that means once we setup the tests, the tool/platform can help us send the test link to the candidate, and the candidate can do the test by themselves. Once the candidate completes the test, we can see the result.

Suggested Tools:



  3. (Please add more if you think it’s good)

Online Interview:

Descriptions: Once the candidate passed the code test, candidate will be scheduled for the pair programming with two interviewers. And we will have two stages for this interview, which are:

  1. Online Pair Programming To Solve a Problem

  2. System Design

Please add tools which you think might be good to help us for these two stages

Suggested Tools For Online Pair Programming:

  1. Zoom / Tencent meeting, Google meet.

  2. Github codespaces(No collaboration support) (I recall there was a free cloud IDE in Github, but now it’s gone)

  3. IntelliJ IDEA (community edition support at most 3 developers to work together)

  4. vs code (install live share. participants can not edit but read only)

Suggested Tools For System Design:


  2. candidates can use any tools they like if they can present their ideas clearly and systematically