4.1.1. Entry and Exit Criteria

  • The entry criteria refer to the desired conditions in order to start test execution; only the migration of the code and fixes need to be assessed at the end of each cycle. 

  • The exit criteria are the desirable conditions that need to be met to proceed with the implementation. 

  • Entry and exit criteria are flexible benchmarks. If they are not met, the QA team will assess the risk, identify mitigation actions and provide a recommendation. All this is input to the project manager for a final “go-no go” decision. 

Entry Criteria

  • Defined and Approved Requirements

  • Access to sufficient and desired test data

  • Setting up of staging environment with all the necessary resources like tools and devices

Exit Criteria

QA Team


100% Test Cases executed



95% Pass Rate of the Test Cases



No open Critical and High severity defects



95% of Medium severity defects have been closed



All remaining defects are either cancelled or documented as Change Requests for a future release



All expected and actual results are captured and documented with the test cases



All test metrics collected based on reports from Test Cases



All defects logged in Jira



Test Closure Memo completed and signed off



4.1.2. Test Cycles

  • There will be two cycles for functional testing. Each cycle will execute all the scripts.

  • The objective of the first cycle is to identify any blocking, critical defects, and most of the high defects. It is expected to use some workaround in order to proceed with the tests.

  • The objective of the second cycle is to identify remaining high and medium defects, remove the workaround from the first cycle, and correct gaps in the scripts.

4.1.3. Validation and Defect Management

  • It is expected that the testers execute all the scripts in each of the cycles. However, it is recognized that the testers could also do additional testing if they identify a possible gap in the scripts. This is especially relevant in the second cycle when the Product Team joins the QA team in the execution of the test since the Product Team has a deeper knowledge of the business processes. If a gap is identified, the scripts and traceability matrix will be updated and then a defect logged against the scripts.

  • The defects will be tracked through JIRA only. The Squad teams will gather information on a daily basis from JIRA, and request additional details regarding the defects. The Squad teams will work on fixes. 

  • It is the responsibility of the tester to open the defects, link them to the corresponding test case, assign an initial severity and status, retest, and close the defect.

  • It is the responsibility of the Tech Lead to review the severity of the defects and facilitate with the Squad team the fix and its implementation, communicate with testers when the test can continue or should be halted, request the tester to retest, and modify the status as the defect progresses through the cycle.

  • It is the responsibility of the Squad teams to review the defects in JIRA on a daily basis, ask for details if necessary, fix the defect, communicate to Tech lead that the fix is done, and implement the solution.

  • It is the responsibility of the Project Manager to communicate with the Product Owner and Business Owner about all the NON-critical defects especially HIGH severity defects whether those bugs need to be fixed immediately or can wait for the next sprint.

Defects found during the Testing will be categorized according to the bug-reporting tool “JIRA” and the categories are:




P1 - Critical

  • This bug is critical enough to crash the system, cause file corruption, or cause potential data loss

  • Crashes, partly unavailability, severe resource usage problems.

  • Must be fixed immediately.

  • Application fails to launch.

  • User cannot login due to missing login button.

P2 - High

  • It causes a lack of vital program functionality with workaround.

  • Page not found when user clicks on a link

P3 - Medium

  • This Bug will degrade the quality of the System.  However there is an intelligent workaround for achieving the desired functionality - for example through another screen.

  • This bug prevents other areas of the product from being tested. However other areas can be independently tested.

  • Need to double-click the Exit button for it to work.

P4 - Minor

  • No real impact on the functionality of the application.

  • Cosmetic problem like misspelled words or misaligned text.

  • A text block exceeding its boundaries.

  • An image out of alignment.

4.1.4. Defect Life Cycle

  1. QA will create a bug ticket, select a component, and assign it to the Product Owner with their respective teams listed below:

    • Miroslav Pavelek (Accounts)

    • Maria D'Amato (Transactions)

    • Kristof Szep (Loans & Risk)

    • Viktor Humaj (Back Office)

    • Ilija Sovilj (Common)

    • Branislav Haukwitz (Customer & Onboarding)

    • Revazi Dzidziguri (Finance)

    • Miroslav Pavelek (Accounts & Subscription)

  2. PO will decide whether the bug is valid, change request, or needs to be fixed immediately.

  3. For change requests, PO will communicate with the Business Owners to validate and agree before the implementation.

  4. For P1 ticket, it needs to be fixed immediately.

  5. For P2 to P4 tickets, PO will decide whether the bug needs to be fixed immediately or not that important for EPFS license so it can wait for the next sprint.

  6. PO will then assign the tickets to the development team that will fix the bugs.

  7. Once fixed, the Dev team will assign the tickets to QA. Otherwise, re-assign to Dev team for rework.

  8. QA will close the ticket.

4.1.5. Bug Report Template

Bug Title

 UI | Mobile | Android | Onboarding - Cannot proceed to next step after document scanning



Platform / OS


Steps to Replicate


  1. Progress onboarding up to Proof of identity screen

  2. Scan front ID

  3. Scan back ID

Actual Result

After successful document scan it goes back to Proof of Identity screen 

Expected Result

Proceed to next Onboarding step Personal Information screen
